February is National Cat Health Month

February is National Cat Health Month! While keeping kitty in good health is always important, this is the purrfect time to pay your cute pet some extra attention. As you may know, here at Wise and Wonderful Integrative Veterinary Center, we combine both modern western veterinary modalities with traditional Chinese Medicine. Our Santa Rosa, California, veterinary clinic offers these tips on keeping kitty healthy.


Good pet care really starts with good nutrition. Choose a good, high-quality food. Don't fall for slick marketing ploys! Get into the habit of reading labels. Meat, fish, or poultry should be the things listed first and most often. Your veterinarian can also give you recommendations and tips.


Decorating your home with pet-safe plants will not only make your home look nice, it will also improve your air quality. Kitty will also enjoy having some greenery to explore and nibble on. You can find a list of suitable options at the ASPCA website here.

Fresh Water

Making sure that your cat always has clean water is extremely important. You may want to get her a little kitty fountain. Many cats prefer to drink running water!

Kitty Furniture

Another thing you can do is make sure that your furry friend’s bedding, furniture, and toys are all made of natural, sustainable materials. Just like any other manufactured item, pet products sometimes contain harmful chemicals.


Massage is often considered holistic, as it meets the criteria of being both natural and beneficial to the mind, body, and soul. If you want to pamper kitty, give her a kitty massage by petting her and stroking her gently. 

Veterinary Care

Kitty’s doctor also plays a very important role in overall health and well-being. Keep up with your feline pal’s appointments and wellness care! Your furball may benefit from treatments such as Chinese herbal medicine. 


A good workout regimen is crucial to your kitty's health and well-being. You probably won't be able to convince your cat to do stair runs, but you can keep her active by offering her toys and playtime. Environmental enrichment gives cats the opportunity to create their own positive experiences in an enclosed space.


Your cat's mental and emotional health are also crucial. Keep Fluffy purring by paying lots of attention to her. Cuddles, conversations, and lap space will all help keep that little motor going!

Do you have questions about holistic pet care? Contact us, your Santa Rosa, CA, veterinary clinic, anytime!


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