Blue Rabbit

Wise and Wonderful’s online pharmacy offers prescription medications, food, and over-the-counter products. Sourced directly from the manufacturer and shipped to your front door! Access our online pharmacy here.

Standard Process

Standard Process offers supplements for whole pet wellness. Dogs and cats have individual nutritional needs beyond what regular diets provide. These unique needs change based on age, activity level, and health status. Standard Process Veterinary Formulas™ have been created to fill these potential nutritional gaps. Access PatientDirect by Standard Process here.

Prescription Refill Policy

We’d like to take a moment to share information about our prescription refill policy.

Due to increased prescription requests and the resources involved in reviewing records and communicating with external online pharmacies, we have adjusted our workflow to meet these demands. Effective immediately:

For written prescriptions filled at external pharmacies:

·         Please allow up to 48 business hours to pick up a written prescription;

·         Please allow up to one business week if you prefer that we directly approve prescriptions with an external pharmacy;

·         To keep our phone lines open for our clients, we cannot accept prescription requests from external pharmacies over the phone; and

·         Please wait for confirmation before picking up a written prescription.

Alternatively, allow up to 48 business hours to purchase an item directly from our clinic or for approval through our clinic’s online pharmacy. Our online pharmacy is integrated with our patient records, greatly expediting the approval process. This pharmacy offers the same convenience and value as larger online retailers, including many rebates and home delivery, but also help our team to maintain your pet’s medical records and support our practice by shopping locally. Most importantly, by processing prescriptions through our online pharmacy, we can guarantee the medical integrity and efficacy of the products sold compared to those sold on e-commerce websites. Here is the link to our online pharmacy:

Thank you in advance for your understanding and support of our practice.

If you have any questions regarding this policy, please contact us.


Our Pharmacies