
Chiropractic care offers many of the same benefits for pets as it does for people. It can help our furry patients enjoy better mobility, reduced pain and stiffness, and an overall improved quality of life.

History of Chiropractic

The word ‘chiropractic’ is derived from the Greek words cheir (‘hand’) and praxis (‘practice’ or ‘done by’). Chiropractors manipulate the musculoskeletal system, particularly the spine, to treat a variety of medical issues. The practice dates back to 1895, when Dr. Daniel David Palmer treated a misplaced vertebra in a janitor’s back. It was first used on large animals in the early 1900’s. In the veterinary world, chiropractic is most often used to treat horses and dogs. However, it has also helped cats, birds, elephants, iguanas, turkeys, pigs, and even llamas.

How It Helps

Chiropractic can be used to treat many medical issues in pets, including hip dysplasia, chronic back and neck pain, and disk disease. It does not utilize drugs or surgery, and can be repeated as needed, often with continued results. It’s a truly beautiful thing to see a stiff, sore pet becoming mobile, playful, and happy again!

Do you think your pet could benefit from animal chiropractic? Contact us, your Santa Rosa, CA vet clinic, today!