Arthritis in Dogs

As dogs age, they can start showing some of the same symptoms humans develop in aging. One of the more common conditions is arthritis in dogs, often referred to as degenerative joint disease.

In a young, healthy pet, the cartilage between the bones of a joint protects them from rubbing together. This cartilage is lubricated with joint fluid to facilitate smooth movement. As a dog ages, the cartilage can degenerate, and the bones start to have direct contact. These changes cause an irregular bony surface in the joint and the development of new bone for stabilization, resulting in painful inflammation and decreased mobility.

Early signs of arthritis in dogs can include slowing down when getting up from their bed or on walks and difficulty jumping up into the car or onto the couch. There can also be clear signs of lameness on an affected leg. A dog with arthritis is uncomfortable and can be more prone to injury due to existing joint inflammation.

Although the bony changes in a joint cannot be reversed, several things can be done to reduce inflammation and make your pet more comfortable. The treatments can be combined into multi-modal therapy to provide optimum results.

Wise and Wonderful Integrative Veterinary Center, your holistic and integrative Santa Rosa, CA vet, has some tips for treating and living with arthritis in dogs.

Weight Loss

Many older dogs are overweight due to decreased metabolism and activity. Carrying extra weight can result in increased pain and wear and tear on arthritic joints. Weight loss can dramatically affect a dog’s comfort, mobility, and activity level. If your dog is overweight, consult a veterinarian about developing an appropriate diet plan. You would be amazed at how much better they feel at an ideal weight.

Joint Supplements

One of the therapies often used for arthritis, especially initially, is a cartilage protectant such as Glucosamine-Chondroitin-MSM or fish oil products. These are nutritional supplements designed to help the joint cartilage. Many such products on the market are of varying quality, so it is best to consult with a veterinarian for a recommendation.

Anti-inflammatory Medication

Many dogs benefit from a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medication (NSAID). Human drugs, such as Ibuprofen, can be toxic to a dog’s liver or kidneys and cause diarrhea, vomiting, or stomach ulcers. Prescription NSAIDs designed for dogs are generally safe but are not without risk. We recommend blood tests before administering to check for good liver and kidney function. If a dog is on a daily NSAID, their laboratory results should be monitored regularly.

Adequan® Canine Injections

Adequan® (Polysulfated Glycosaminoglycan) is a product that was initially used as joint injections for horses. It was found that this product helps with cartilage damage, even when not directly injected into a joint. Adequan helps lubricate affected joints and has mild anti-inflammatory effects. There is a loading dose of injections for the first four to six weeks, usually administered monthly. These injections can be done at a veterinarian’s office, or you can learn how to give them at home. The injections can also be administered into acupuncture points for an increased benefit and can easily be incorporated into acupuncture treatment sessions.

Herbal Supplements

Herbal supplements can be beneficial in reducing the pain and inflammation of arthritis. There is no “one herb fits all” type of supplement – they are prescribed based on a pet’s condition after an assessment by a veterinarian trained in Chinese medicine and/or herbal therapy.

Cold Laser Treatment

Cold laser treatment is also an anti-inflammatory modality used to treat arthritis in dogs. It is a painless modality that penetrates tissue to release endorphins, assist with cell regeneration, and improve blood circulation.


Acupuncture for dogs with arthritis is becoming much more widespread. Acupuncture can increase blood flow to help reduce inflammation and provide greater comfort by stimulating the release of endorphins and anti-inflammatory substances and relaxing muscles surrounding the affected joints.

Acupuncture needles are placed in specific points mapped out over thousands of years. Research has shown that these points have increased nerve and vascular bundles to improve blood flow and oxygenation, which helps joints move more freely and with less pain.

Most dogs are amenable to acupuncture treatments, but those overly sensitive to needles can benefit from laser treatment with an acupuncture tip. Another way to provide acupuncture for dogs with arthritis is to use aquapuncture, which is the injection of a small amount of Vitamin B12 or Adequan into the acupuncture points. Electrical stimulation of acupuncture points can also relax muscle spasms and improve nerve function.


Chiropractic care can address arthritis in dogs, especially if your pet is out of alignment and placing excessive stress on a joint. Spinal imbalance can be created when pets bear weight or move asymmetrically due to different joint comfort levels, adding to the patient’s discomfort. Chiropractic adjustments can restore balance and help improve joint motion and reduce pain to make your pet more comfortable.

Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy (PEMF)

Pulsed electromagnetic field therapy is another safe and non-invasive treatment for arthritis pain and other conditions. It has been referred to as an “NPAID” or non-pharmaceutical anti-inflammatory device. It sends electromagnetic waves painlessly into the tissue to increase blood flow and reduce inflammation. One way to administer PEMF is with a device called an Assisi Loop. A PEMF treatment takes about 15 minutes and can be administered in the office or at home up to several times daily. It is an excellent option for clients who want to perform regular treatments effectively at home.

In Summary

All of these treatment modalities for arthritis are available at Wise and Wonderful Integrative Veterinary Center. Please call Wise and Wonderful, your Sonoma County Veterinarian, for a consultation on what overall treatment plan would work best for your pet. 707-546-4646


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